The GCC in Troubled Waters
It is unlikely that Qatar will agree to align its foreign policy with that of Riyadh and to rein in Al Jazeera.
- K. P. Fabian |
- June 13, 2017 |
- Comment
It is unlikely that Qatar will agree to align its foreign policy with that of Riyadh and to rein in Al Jazeera.
India’s record in wind energy development is good. But the existing technology is fast becoming outdated. Evolving technologies like kite wind should therefore be considered.
The formal inclusion of the Munitions List within the SCOMET framework explicitly brings the defence industry under the purview of India’s global commitment to non-proliferation.
The decision to target Qatar clearly indicates that the region is now divided into two camps and that the Arab Gulf countries are in no mood to accept neutral players.
A high level political engagement between Oman and India will push the relations in the positive direction and also provide a fresh fillip to the economic relations.
China may emerge as the sole leader of global climate negotiations by supporting the Green Climate Fund, which faces a budget crisis with the US exit. This will also provide an opportunity for China to reshape its current global image.
India should use SCO for building convergences with China and Russia as well as minimise the intensity of China-Pakistan alignment which undercuts India’s direct access to Eurasia.
The SP model, if implemented well, is likely to have a number of benefits for both the private sector and the larger Indian defence industry.
There seems to be no clear advantage of giving an overarching role to the Ministry of Home Affairs as regards formulation of policy or grant of industrial licence for manufacture or export of defence items.
President Trump’s victory and his subsequent actions after assuming the presidency seem to indicate the US withdrawal from a leadership role towards a degree of insulation from world affairs.