Understanding Kashmir and Kashmiris, by Christopher Snedden Tesing Journal pic
testging image thumnail- Bipandeep Sharma |
- 2025 |
- Monograph
This monograph examines civil and military drone policies, organisational structures, technology development initiatives, ecosystems, strengths, challenges, and proposes a way forward. It recommends formulating a civil drone atmanirbharta policy, designating nodal ministry of drone technology, creating organisational structures for civil drone R&D, launching civil drone technology development initiatives and instituting course corrections in defence UAV development programs.
nfluence Operations refers to the use of non-military means of Ipsychological, informational and political influence and subversion to undermine the security and governance of a targeted country. Revolutionised by 21st century Information Communication Technology (ICT), Influence Operations (or simply IOs) have today developed into a highly insidious, cost-effective and often non-attributable forms of hybrid warfare.
This monograph delves into Indian and Chinese approaches to UN peacekeeping in Africa, offering insights into how these rising powers interact with African nations. It analyzes their motivations and guiding principles in peacekeeping on the continent, comparing their approaches and highlighting differences in scope and impact.
Iraq is a vital country in the region. It is an essential part of India's extended neighbourhood, not merely for its ineluctable geopolitical and geo-economic significance but also because of its vast historical and cultural importance.
The US pursuit of missile defence in order to counter and/or hedge against Iran's ballistic missile capabilities coupled with concerns generated by its nuclear programme has had significant strategic consequences. Iran on its part has pursued these capabilities as part of its asymmetric strategy to overcome its strategic vulnerabilities flowing from US encirclement, short-comings in force levels vis-a-vis neighbours and resource constraints in building effective conventional forces.
This study examines Israel's changing perception of Iran and the underlying reasons for the current Israeli tension, anxiety, verbal acrimony and fears. In deconstructing Israel's fears vis-à-vis Iran, the study looks at Israel's failures to revisit its erstwhile peripheral diplomacy and to make adequate changes.
This monograph examines higher defence management and defence reforms in India. It deliberately coincides with Cabinet discussing the Report of Naresh Chandra Committee on defence reforms and aims to initiate a debate on higher defence management and civil-military relations.