Comprehensive Logistics Management in Defence

The RFP should define the sustained capability required for a defined period of time. It should ask the vendors to give technical and commercial proposals for owning and exploiting the same as per the defined usage at a specified level of operational readiness. The provisions for defence offset should be leveraged for setting up the necessary JVs to provide life time training, maintenance and logistic support in accordance with the principles of PBL. In case any existing infrastructure could be made available to him, its details and lease arrangements should also be specified.

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Key Aspects of Defence Offsets: Negotiating the MOU between Bidder and Offset Partner

The DPP has proved to be a dynamic document, with improvements with every successive version minimising ambiguities. Documents where ambiguities are either absent or minimum; documents that are transparent and are open to anyone connected; and documents that have good guidelines and directives, serve as an anchor when resolving conflicts that may arise in execution of activities in the related field. The DPP is one such document in the process of defence procurement.

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Modernization of Infantry in India

Besides equipping the infantry, a serious look also needs to be given to its training. Use of tactical simulators for training commanders up to unit level, support weapons and advanced infantry weapons simulators, driving and communication simulators have to be procured and utilised to train better educated soldiers who will be required to handle more complex weapon systems and equipment in future.

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Left-Wing Extremism (LWE) in India

It has become almost a cliché to say that the LWE situation is the most serious internal threat facing the country. Naxalism has been operating in several parts of the country. It has been there from the late 60s and 70s and different parts of the country have been affected with different levels of naxal violence. It has been tackled in different ways in West Bengal, in Kerala, in Andhra and so on and so forth, Telangana situation was there earlier. A significant change came about with the merger of the Peoples War Group and the MCC to form the CPI (Maoist) in 2004.

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Management of Medical Stores in Indian Armed Forces

Due to the large base and geographical spread of users, AFMSDs face difficulties in supplying the required stores to indenters. As a result, clientele satisfaction is affected. The pharmaceutical industry in India has developed over a period of time and there are reputed firms which have wide and reliable network to supply medical stores. Thus, hospitals/units located in peace stations can obtain their stores requirement directly from RC holder or the local market. The smaller units could be attached to the nearest hospitals functioning as DDOs.

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India, China and the United States: The Triangle That Isn’t

At the outset, I should like to clarify that I am not going to theorize or build models on global or regional international relations. I am also not going to speak on India and China as such as I have already spoken on it at some length some months ago at the Indian Council of World Affairs. If anyone would like to look through the text of that speech, she or he could get it from the ICWA or from me. This lecture is, in the nature of things, more China focussed.

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Hans Blix, Why Nuclear Disarmament Matters

The end of the World War II brought new hopes of creating a better and more peaceful world. However, the beginning of the Cold War and the fierce arms race among the superpowers and allies dashed such optimism. Despite promises by the superpowers to disarm, even by the end of the Cold War, more than 50,000 nuclear weapons still posed security threat to the international community. In recent years, instead of improving, the climate for arms control and disarmament has deteriorated further.

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