The Kargil War and India’s Security Environment

The Kargil conflict presented an opportunity for a relook at India’s national security environment in terms of defence preparedness. The Kargil Review Committee report pointed to the deficiencies in India’s security management system and gave a call for course correction especially in terms of integration of the armed forces, defence modernisation, and optimum defence budgeting and expenditure.

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Kargil to Balakot: The Tumultuous Journey of Indian Air Power

The conceptual and capability changes in a kinetic force remain intertwined with the prevailing and emerging security scenarios. Air power, a key kinetic capability, being technology dependent, needs continuous re-equipping and up gradation. The force structure and organisation too need to adapt to ensure optimal exploitation of available capability. Indian air power has transformed in the last two decades and expanded its capability in all critical facets.

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The Line of Control: Travelling with Indian and Pakistani Armies, by Happymon Jacob

India–Pakistan relations have become more complicated in the aftermath of the Pulwama attack that took place in February 2019, on the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel in the most volatile territory of India, Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). That the diplomatic ties between the two countries are arguably decided by what happens in the state has never been understated—precisely why Kashmir has remained the focus of study for experts on the topic.

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Line on Fire: Ceasefire Violations and India–Pakistan Escalation Dynamics, by Happymon Jacob

While contending the prevailing realists’ explanation of war happening because of power struggle, John Vasquez argues in his book, The War Puzzle Revisited, that a majority of wars are fought over territory, either to defend or occupy it. According to Vasquez, territorial disputes between two countries are ‘much more war-prone’ than others.

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Rebel Law: Insurgents, Courts and Justice in Modern Conflict by Frank Ledwidge

Frank Ledwidge begins Rebel Law with a vision to consolidate and derive comprehensive narratives surrounding lawfare—law used as a means of achieving agendas—and to provide recommendations as to how effectively policymakers and practitioners may use it to counter destabilisation in the light of unjust dissent. His experiences from years at the front end of British foreign policy form the backbone on which this book takes shape.

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Kautilya and Non-Western IR Theory by Deepshikha Shahi

The recognition of Kautilya’s Arthashastra as a foundational text of international relations (IR) theory has been a cumbersome process, both in India and internationally. The IR community has exhibited a rather neurotic attitude towards Kautilya, ranging from outright denial of his relevance for the discipline to hesitant admission that there are conceptual elements in the Arthashastra which have theoretical eigenvalue as well as relevance for empirical research.

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India and World War II: War, Armed Forces, and Society, 1939-45 by Kaushik Roy

World War II (1939-45) was a watershed moment in modern world history. It drastically changed the social and political map of the world, and especially of the Indian subcontinent which was under colonial rule at that time. Several significant works have appeared in recent times on the diverse aspects of the war. Among them is Kaushik Roy’s authoritative account, India and World War II: War, Armed Forces, and Society, 1939-45.

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India and China at Sea: Competition for Naval Dominance in the Indian Ocean, edited by David Brewster

A multitude of reasons, like world geopolitics, rapid double-digit economic growth, military development, trade, presence in multinational organisations and global initiatives such as Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Maritime Silk Route (MSR), keeps China at the forefront in global news. Any discussion of world order or superpowers is incomplete without the mention of China, and more so because of its contentious maritime issues.

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In Awe of the Atom: Proliferation, Threats, and Costs of Nuclear Management

ince the time of their invention and the first-and-only use on 6 and 9 August 1945 on two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively, nuclear weapons have been seen by the states that possess them, or the ones that seek them, as the ultimate guarantors of their security.1 It is believed that these weapons are key to achieving victory in a war that otherwise may go on for a long time or may end in defeat if fought in conventional ways by a weaker country; in other words, nuclear weapons are believed to act as instruments of deterrence.

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Broadening the Education for Synergetic Civil–Military Relations

Statecraft, diplomacy and warfare are not only a matter of brute force, but also a function of scholarship to understand the past, present and future of the art, science and literature of national and international security. At higher levels in their professional career, besides the armed forces, a number of civil servants too have to deal with the state’s use or threat of the use of legitimate force. This article suggests broadening the education for synergetic civil–military relations (CMR).

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