Africa – India Partnership: African Perspectives

It is now the 56th anniversary of the birth of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), precursor of the African Union. The advent of the African Union in 2002 marked a significant milestone and important chapter in the history of the continent.  The vision and ?objectives of the African Union focus very much on “people -centered development” and on a transformative agenda. The principal goal of the African Union is to accelerate progress towards an integrated, prosperous and inclusive Africa, at peace with itself, playing a dynamic role in the continental and global arena.

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Africa in the Global Order: Indian Perspective

As a continent with vast natural, mineral and energy resources, Africa’s global significance in today’s world cannot be disputed. In recent years, Africa has become the centre of global attention with both traditional powers and emerging powers like China, India, Japan, and others engaging the countries in the region. Four specific developments  denote the growing importance of Africa in the global order.

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A lesson from crisis management in South Sudan

The work for the Department of Peace Operations is thus amply clear. It must privilege the substantive side in its thinking as it approaches mandate making. This would ease the work of peacekeepers and contain the thrust in recent years towards a militarisation of peacekeeping under the cover of robust peacekeeping.

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Africa and the G20

An increased level of engagement of the G20 with Africa could be significant as it could activate the existing G20 initiatives. It is also significant because it proposes to venture into new and critical areas such as skill development of women and rural youth, as well as a focus on renewable energy which are fundamental to capitalise on increased private investment.

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Libya’s political process: Delicate progress, gigantic challenges

While the political process is delicately poised and is making slow progress, there remain gigantic challenges to surmount. The main issues of contention among the different groups are sharing of political power, fight for control over Libya’s huge petroleum resources, and accommodating the armed groups loyal to different factions into a unified national military force.

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“…if the people in Rwanda ever needed help, now was the time…”

The media, visual and means of mass communication have often been criticised for presenting a biased and skewed viewpoint on the conflict. However, the power of documentaries like the Ghosts of Rwanda which present before the audiences the unpalatable realities of the world, compels the international community to ponder, discuss and accept the need for change in its institutions and their ways of working. The release of the documentary became a moment of unfolding of the pristine rubric of United Nations, especially of its peacekeeping mandates, which were discriminatory and caught in power struggles.

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India’s Economic Diplomacy with Ethiopia

Several international players are competing to finance projects in African countries, and New Delhi will be at a disadvantage if it does not proactively engage in strengthening development partnerships. As an emerging power that is actively pushing South-South Cooperation (SSC), India has to convince its partners the advantage of Indian development assistance, which adheres to principles of horizontal cooperation and mutual benefit.

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