Open Skies: Transparency, Confidence Building, and the End of the Cold War, by Peter Jones

Issue: 4
Book Review

The Cold War period has been significant in international history as well as politics. The two power blocs were never at open war but much went on as part of propaganda against the other. Within this struggle between two ideological teams were also efforts, however ill-conceived, to reduce suspicions and build better relations with the hope for a more secure environment. ‘Open Skies’ is one of such initiatives that have in fact barely been comprehensively recorded until the release of this book. Peter Jones’s Open Skies: Transparency, Confidence Building, and the End of the Cold War is among those rare works that one finds on negotiations about a treaty which has great implications for confidence building and transparency in international relations and yet is not too well known across signatory states themselves.

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Posted On: October 14, 2016