Vipul Dutta is a doctoral candidate at King’s College London. His doctoral research examines civil-military relations in India — especially the establishment and evolution of Armed Forces Training Academies in the context of the domestic and international politics from the late 1930s to early 1970s. His study would analyse the changes in the practices of officer education, socialisation and the nature of interaction between the military and the government in trying to chisel out an Armed Forces corps well-suited to the democratic ethos of the country which came into being in 1947.
Vipul joined King’s College in 2012 after having taken his postgraduate degree in Modern Indian History from the University of Delhi and more recently, earned an M.Phil in 2012 from the Jawaharlal Nehru University’s Centre for Historical Studies in Delhi. Alongside academics, he has worked with policy think tanks, the British Council and the Indian Council of Historical Research. He is interested in the military history of South Asia and issues relating to foreign policy and international relations.