Rajorshi Roy


Dr. Rajorshi Roy is Associate Fellow at the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. His areas of research and analysis cover the foreign, defence, security and domestic policies of Russia and the Central Asian countries. He has written extensively on these issues. He was a member of the Institute’s web editorial team during 2019-20. He was the Secretary for the Indian side of the Eminent Persons Group for Nepal-India Relations (2016-18), set-up by the governments of India and Nepal, to recommend ways to improve bilateral relations.

Dr. Roy has completed his Ph.D. from the Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). His doctoral thesis explored the role of Russia’s Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALWs) industry in shaping the country’s domestic and external discourse. He completed his M.Phil. and Masters in International Politics from JNU. Prior to joining MP-IDSA, Rajorshi worked with the Central Information Commission (CIC). He is an alumni of St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi (DU).

  • Associate Fellow
  • Email:rajorshiroy84[at]gmail[dot]com
  • Phone: +91 11 2671 7983


Crimea: Thaw in Tensions?

While President Putin has conveyed the message of tough military action, it is highly unlikely that he will order his troops to invade the majority ethnic Russian region of Crimea. Military brinkmanship can be seen as an attempt to force the West to include Russia as a partner in settlement of the crisis.

Russia and the Geopolitics of Cyprus Bailout

The Cyprus crisis has highlighted the existing geopolitical fissures between Russia and the European Union and raised the proverbial ‘east vs. west’ conundrum. President’s Putin’s Eurasian Economic Union project and Russia’s growing engagement with countries of Asia indicate the turning of wheels.

Russia and Pakistan New Equation

Developments in Afghanistan are a key objective of Russia’s increased engagement with Pakistan. However, Russia and India share a time tested relationship that is unlikely to be affected by these overtures.

Putin’s India Visit: A Review

Russia’s importance for India lies in the fact that the bilateral relationship has withstood the test of time, with the two countries sharing similar views on most matters of international concern.