Rajorshi Roy


Dr. Rajorshi Roy is Associate Fellow at the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. His areas of research and analysis cover the foreign, defence, security and domestic policies of Russia and the Central Asian countries. He has written extensively on these issues. He was a member of the Institute’s web editorial team during 2019-20. He was the Secretary for the Indian side of the Eminent Persons Group for Nepal-India Relations (2016-18), set-up by the governments of India and Nepal, to recommend ways to improve bilateral relations.

Dr. Roy has completed his Ph.D. from the Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). His doctoral thesis explored the role of Russia’s Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALWs) industry in shaping the country’s domestic and external discourse. He completed his M.Phil. and Masters in International Politics from JNU. Prior to joining MP-IDSA, Rajorshi worked with the Central Information Commission (CIC). He is an alumni of St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi (DU).

  • Associate Fellow
  • Email:rajorshiroy84[at]gmail[dot]com
  • Phone: +91 11 2671 7983



India’s Baltics Outreach

Research Analyst, IDSA, Mr. Rajorshi Roy’s article on Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu’s visit to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, titled ‘India’s Baltics Outreach’ has been published in All India Radio (AIR) World Service, an External Services Division of AIR, on August 22, 2019.

Describing the visit as the highest level of Indian diplomatic engagement with the Baltics till date, Mr. Roy writes that economic and technological partnerships remain a vital cog in bilateral ties. In a win-win partnership, India gains access to sophisticated technology while the Baltics can tap into the colossal Indian market during a period of slowing global growth.

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  • 22 August, 2019 |

A New Chapter In Ukranian History

Research Analyst, IDSA, Mr. Rajorshi Roy’s article on the recently held presidential elections in Ukraine, titled ‘A New Chapter in Ukrainian History’ was published by the All India Radio (AIR) World Service, an external services division of AIR, on April 25, 2019.

Analysing comedian turned politician Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s victory, Mr Roy writes that his elevation epitomises the proverbial life imitating art. Zelenskiy had played the role of a crusader President in a popular television series, now has shifted gears, to govern his country as its President.

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  • 25 April, 2019 |

What is Russia up to in the Middle East?

Russia’s military intervention in the Syrian civil war in 2015 is seen as a significant milestone in the geopolitics of the Middle East. By establishing stakes on the ground, the Kremlin, which had been virtually absent from the region since the breakup of the Soviet Union, has reinserted itself as a key actor in shaping the region’s strategic landscape. In doing so, it has also pulled itself back into the global geo-strategic consciousness.


NATO rumblings: Will Trans-Atlantic Alliance survive?

Research Analyst, IDSA, Mr Rajorshi Roy’s article on the US policies towards NATO, titled ‘NATO rumblings: Will Trans-Atlantic Alliance survive?’ was published in The Pioneer on October 07, 2018.

On the global strategic horizon, the US continues to be Europe's best bet, given their inherent overlapping values and interests, and the comfort derived from being historical partners. Lack of effective alternatives — structured differences with China and the limited global heft of other countries — limits Europe's strategic choices, writes Mr Roy.

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  • 7 October, 2018 |

Strengthening Ties With An Old Friend

Research Analyst, IDSA, Mr Rajorshi Roy’s article on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to India, titled ‘Strengthening Ties with an Old Friend’ was published by the Air World Service, an External Services Division of All India Radio on October 06, 2018.

The article describes Vladimir Putin’s visit to India as a milestone in the trajectory of India-Russia bilateral ties, which is set against the backdrop of significant global geo-political churnings, marked by a backlash against globalisation and worsening Russia-US standoff.

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  • 6 October, 2018 |

Decoding Aktau Caspian Summit

Research Assistant, IDSA, Mr Rajorshi Roy’s article on the fifth Caspian Summit, titled ‘Decoding the Aktau Caspian Summit’ was published in The Pioneer on September 17, 2018.

Analysing the Caspian Summit, the article argues that given the inherent nature of the region’s shifting alliances, the new found regional cooperation sentiment might itself be at risk in the future.

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  • 2 September, 2018 |