Rajiv Kumar Narang


Group Captain (Dr.) Rajiv Kumar Narang, Vayu Sena Medal (Retd.) is Senior Fellow at the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis (MP-IDSA). He is former Indian Air Force (IAF) helicopter pilot, qualified Flight Safety and Accident Investigator, Centre Seat Qualified Instructor on Chetak/ Cheetah helicopters and holder of Commercial Helicopter Pilot License (CHPL). He is an alumnus of the 57 Defence Services Staff College, Wellington, India, M Sc. in Defence & Strategic Studies and PhD in International Relations. He was awarded Vayu Sena Medal for meritorious service in 2000.

He has authored a book titled “India’s Quest for UAVs and Challenges” and research papers on aviation, drones, counter-drone systems, Make in India and Self-Reliance. He worked as Research/ Senior Fellow at the Centre for Air Power Studies (CAPS) between 2014 & 2019 and Director, Strategic Initiatives at Drone Federation of India between July 2021 to February 2023. He was a member of Drone Working Sub Group, Department of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry in 2020-21 and High Power Steering Committee (HPSC) of Innovation for Defence Excellence (iDEX) in 2021 & 2022. He authored the HQ IDS-SIDM report titled “A Roadmap for India Becoming Atmanirbhar in Counter Drone Technologies/ Systems” in 2022.

Senior Fellow
Phone:-+91 11 2671 7983



There is a need to formulate a national military-civil technology fusion policy

Senior Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, (Gp Capt (Dr) RK Narang’s article ‘There is a need to formulate a national military-civil technology fusion policy’ has been published in Force magazine on 15 October 2024.

There is a need to formulate a national military-civil technology fusion (MCTF) policy, as there are multiple sectors that would benefit from such fusion. The name MCTF is proposed instead of MCF to emphasise the pre-eminence of technology collaboration, says Gp Capt Narang.

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Disclaimer: The views expressed by the author are personal and do not in any way reflect the views of MP-IDSA or the Government of India.

  • 15 October, 2024 |

Military – Civil Technology Fusion (MCTF) For Making India Atmanirbhar Global Drone Hub@2030

This monograph examines civil and military drone policies, organisational structures, technology development initiatives, ecosystems, strengths, challenges, and proposes a way forward. It recommends formulating a civil drone atmanirbharta policy, designating nodal ministry of drone technology, creating organisational structures for civil drone R&D, launching civil drone technology development initiatives and instituting course corrections in defence UAV development programs.

भारतीय विमानन/ड्रोन तकनीशियन प्रमाणन नीति और सुधार की संभावनाएं

भारतीय विमानन टेक्नीशियन प्रमाणन नीति एवं ड्रोन टेक्नीशियन प्रमाणन नीति को वैश्विक चलन के अनुरूप सुधार करते हुए तर्कसंगत एवं व्यावहारिक बनाने की आवश्यकता है ताकि भारत में कुशल ड्रोन टेक्नीशियन उत्पन्न करने के साथ-साथ अग्निवीरों के लिए भी रोजगार के नए अवसर सृजित किए जा सकें|


For India’s Drone Challenges, Lessons From The Agni-V Feat

Senior Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Gp Capt (Dr) RK Narang’s opinion piece ‘For India's Drone Challenges, Lessons From The Agni-V Feat’ was published by NDTV on 31 March 2024.

The DRDO's capabilities, demonstrated in the missile programme, must be replicated in the UAV projects. UAVs, like missiles, are pivotal to the future of aerial warfare and must be prioritised to meet India's security needs. The missile programme offers several lessons in that direction, says Gp Capt (Dr) Narang.

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  • 1 May, 2024 |

‘Anusandhan’-led ‘Atmanirbhar’ UAS Industry in India

Policy and technology initiatives are important pillars for building high-value, high-technology industries. Information technology and automobile industries, despite their contribution to Indian economy, have remained relatively low-value industries as maximum profits go to foreign companies. The Indian unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) industry, led by start-ups and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), has the potential to change the trajectory and become intellectual property-led high-value industry.