Prashant Kumar Singh


Dr. Prashant Kumar Singh follows the strategic and domestic affairs of China. He is also a keen follower of state and society in Taiwan. And he has a deep interest in India’s engagement with East Asia.His current research project is “Foreign Relations and Security in Xi Jinping’s Chinese Dream”.

Dr. Singh joined the MP-IDSA in 2009. He obtained his PhD and MPhil degrees in 2009 and 2004, respectively, from the Centre for East Asian Studies (CEAS), School of International Studies (SIS), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. He is a recipient of the prestigious CCS Grant for Foreign Scholars (2016) by National Central Library (Taiwan), Taiwan Fellowship (2014) and National Huayu Enrichment Scholarship, Taiwan (2011-12). Dr. Singh has been invited to speak at renowned institutes including Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER), National Central Library (NCL), National Chengchi University (NCCU), National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), Council of Advanced Policy Studies (CAPS), Taiwan Think Tank and Tamkang University [all in Taiwan]; China Institute of International Studies (CIIS) in China, Asia Centre in France, and Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Thai Nguyen University in Vietnam.

He has High School/Intermediate-level of fluency in Mandarin Chinese.

Detailed CV

Other Publications

  1. Prashant Kumar Singh, ‘Hong Kong in 2019: Fragility of the One Country-Two Systems Arrangement,’ East Asia Military Monitor (EAMM) 2, no. 6 (November-December 2019): 5-10.
  2. Prashant Kumar Singh, “Korea in India’s Look and Act East Policy,” in Major Powers and the Korean Peninsula: Politics, Policies and Perspectives, ed. Titli Basu (New Delhi: KW Publishers, 2019), 283-315. (ISBN 978-93-89137-15-6).
  3. Prashant Kumar Singh, “Resurfacing of Divergence in India-China Relations,” in East Asia Strategic Review: China’s Rising Strategic Ambitions in Asia, ed. M.S. Prathibha (New Delhi: Pentagon Press, 2018), 35-72. (ISBN 978-93-86618-65-8).
  4. Prashant Kumar Singh, “China and South Asia: Deepening of Engagement,” in China’s Transition under Xi Jinping, ed.J.P. Panda (New Delhi: Pentagon Press, 2016), 277-313. (ISBN 978-81-8274-907-8).
  5. Prashant Kumar Singh, “China’s Relations with Latin America and the Caribbean,” in China Year Book 2014, ed. Prashant Kumar Singh (New Delhi: Magnum Books, 2015), 211-234. (ISBN 978-93-82512-26-4).
  6. Prashant Kumar Singh, “Cross-Strait Relations in 2013,” in China Year Book 2013, ed. Naval Jagota (New Delhi: Magnum Books, 2014), 113-127. (ISBN 978-93-82512-24-0).
  7. Prashant Kumar Singh, “China’s Foreign Relations across the Geographies in 2012,” in China Year Book 2012, ed. Rukmani Gupta (New Delhi: Magnum Books, 2013), 75-87. (ISBN 978-93-82512-03-5).
  8. Prashant Kumar Singh and Rumel Dahiya, “China: Managing India-China Relations,” in India’s Neighbourhood Challenges in Next Two Decades, eds. Rumel Dahiya and Ashok K. Behriya (New Delhi: Pentagon Security Press, 2012), 55-94. (ISBN 978-81-8274-687-9).
  • Research Fellow
  • Email:prashant[dot]idsa[at]gmail[dot]com
  • Phone: +91 11 2671 7983


John Quigley, The Ruses for War: Americanz Interventionism since World War II

Though we hear a lot about Islam phobia and xenophobia in popular and political parlance in America, the fact remains that the us has a long and rich tradition of critical study and independent thinking. American foreign policy discourse does not constitute any exception to this tradition. The legendry thinker Noam Chomsky has constantly been questioning motives of American foreign policy and indicting it for many misdemeanors, which, he claims, has committed in the name of containment of communists or war on terror.

The PLA on Diplomatic Front in 2009

The participation of the PLA Navy in escort missions in foreign waters is a radical departure from the historical point of view because this is the first time that the PLA Navy is carrying out such tasks not in national waters.


The Strategic Aspect of Migration from China’s North-East to Russia’s Far East

In a conference on socio-economic development in Kamchatka Kray in 2008, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that if Russia does not step up the level of activity of its work in the Russian Far East (RFE), it may risk losing territory. The tone of his remarks was ‘unprecedented’ and reminiscent of former President Vladimir Putin’s even more direct and straightforward warning, who observed in 2000 that “if the authorities failed to develop the region, even the indigenous Russian population will mainly be speaking Japanese, Korean and Chinese in a few decades.”

Xi Jinping’s ‘Chinese Dream’: China’s Renewed Foreign and Security Policy

  • Publisher: Routledge Taylor & Francis
The author analyses the influence of Xi’s 'Chinese Dream' on China’s foreign relations and security postures.

Xi Jinping’s rise has led to a paradigm shift in many aspects of China’s domestic and international politics. A key element of this has been the ideological vision shorthanded as the 'Chinese Dream', combining elements of nationalism, Confucian ideology, and economic expansionism. Singh evaluates the various changes in China’s nominally communist ideology in the post-Mao era, with an emphasis on the implications for China’s economic and security relations with other countries. He particularly focusses on China’s approach to South Asia and the Indian Ocean Region, key elements of China’s strategy.

An insightful guide to understanding the direction of China’s foreign and security policy, and especially its impact on India–China relations.

  • ISBN: 9781032375328 ,
  • Price: £84.00