A new phase of drone warfare has come, involving several actors and the usage of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has progressed beyond
counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency operations to full-scale conventional battles. Moreover, as technology advances and is linked to artificial intelligence, a new third era of drone warfare is on the horizon. It is therefore pertinent to analyse the global proliferation of military drones, the indigenisation of military drones in India and to examine where India stands in the context of military drones.
Jammu and Kashmir needs a robust early warning system to mitigate the impact of natural disasters.
Women in conflict throughout the world are taking significant risks to contribute to peace and security and their participation in peacekeeping operations has enhanced their role in peacebuilding and defending the rights of women. Women peacekeepers have proven themselves equal of their male counterparts in the execution of jobs under tough circumstances in all disciplines of peacekeeping.
Outlining Pakistan’s vision and global engagement in the context of strategic and security trends, the recently released National Security Policy of Pakistan also acknowledges a serious need for a robust water management mechanism and an inclusive climate change policy.