Munish Sharma


Data Theft: Implications for Economic and National Security

With the digitisation of services, such as in the case of governance and banking, or the electronic means of conducting commerce or trade, a large amount of data is generated, stored, processed; this also traverses, over digital devices and networks. The incidents of data theft compromise the integrity of this data. Data is at continuous risk from a myriad of threat actors varying from hacktivists to nation states.

Bangladesh Bank: The Billion Dollar Breach

Even if the investigations reveal the technical reason behind the breach, issues of jurisdiction, accountability and dearth of international laws governing cyber or money laundering crimes would await another billion dollar breach.

Lashkar-e-Cyber of Hafiz Saeed

Terrorist groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba are increasingly taking to social media to further widen their outreach. By integrating social media with self-developed android apps, Lashkar is also turning from mere technology user into a product developer.

China’s Emergence as a Cyber Power

Cyberspace is increasingly becoming an area of contestation among nation states. Similar to the physical domains of land, sea, air and space, superiority in the cyber domain enables a nation state to exert its cyber power. In recent years, China has invested colossal amounts in building the requisite infrastructure and capabilities of its armed forces as well as governance practices to advance towards ‘informationalisation’. This article seeks to discern the motives, threats, objectives, strategy and intent that drive China to amass cyber power.