Mathew Sinu Simon

He worked at Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses from 2016 to 2021



Internal Security: Issues and Challenges

Research Analyst, IDSA, Dr. Mathew Sinu Simon’s article on Internal Security, titled ‘Internal Security: Issues and Challenges’ appeared in the April-June 2019 issue of Raksha Aniverda magazine (pp 48-51).

The issues and challenges for internal security are multiple-fold and complex. What is required is political will emphasised for resolution of disputes, coupled with sound administration of development in conflict prone districts, ground based strategic communications to counter extremist narratives and efficient counter insurgency operations, writes Dr Simon.

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  • 29 April, 2019 |

India-Europe Defence and Strategic relations: Potentialities abound

Research Analyst, IDSA, Dr Mathew Sinu Simon’s article on India’s defence relations with Europe, titled ‘India-Europe Defence and Strategic relations: Potentialities abound’ was published in the October 2018, issue of Raksha Aniverda magazine.

The article briefly reviews India’s defence relations with the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy and argues that there is a need for India to reinvigorate its strategic and defence ties with the countries of Eastern Europe.

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  • 16 October, 2018 |

Naming And Shaming Activists Or State Police Is Not The Way Out

Research Assistant, IDSA, Dr Mathew Sinu Simon’s commentary on Urban Maoists, titled ‘Naming and Shaming Activists or State Police is not the way out’ was published in Eurasia Review on September 1, 2018.

Calling for a balanced approach in combatting front organisations of Maoists, the commentary advocates for addressing of the trust deficit existing between the civil society and the government for dealing with the problems of tribal displacement, tribal injustices through rapprochement and reconciliation efforts.

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  • 1 September, 2018 |

Maoist violence in India can only end through inclusive talks and grassroots development

Research Assistant, IDSA, Dr Mathew Simon’s article on Maoism, titled ‘Maoist violence in India can only end through inclusive talks and grassroots development’ was published in South Asia Monitor on August 08, 2018.

The complex insurgent Maoist problem can be dealt with by the right proportion of security, ceasefire and hard developmental approaches, writes Mathew Simon.

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  • 8 August, 2018 |

Police and Counter-Insurgency: The Untold Story of Tripura’s COIN Campaign, by Kuldeep Kumar

The role of the state police in combating insurgencies has not been given due acknowledgement in India despite the success stories of Punjab, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal where police forces successfully deployed to counter insurgency movements. For instance, in Punjab, with support from the central paramilitary forces, the state police successfully neutralised terrorists who were demanding a separate state of Khalistan. In Andhra Pradesh, the state police played a highly critical role through the efficient Greyhounds model of security force operation.

Radicalisation in South East Africa: A case study of Mozambique

The distinct feature of radicalisation in Mozambique is that local issues enable the Ansar ul Sunna to conduct its nefarious activities. So rather than take a hard approach, it would serve the Government well to address the growing local concerns of unemployment, social exclusion and underdevelopment in order to curb the influence of Islamic extremism in Mozambique.

Potency of the JMB threat to India’s Security

In the wake of reports that more than 2000 terrorists belonging to the JMB and HUJI-B have entered India, it is imperative to assess the potency of the JMB threat to India’s security and the counter terrorism measures that need to be undertaken to curb the same.