Laxman Kumar Behera


India’s Defence Budget 2013-14: A Bumpy Road Ahead

A GDP growth of less than seven per cent combined with the fiscal consolidation path that the Finance Minister has articulated in his budget speech means a lot of pressure on the defence ministry whose plan for current and future expenditure up to 2017 is based on past GDP growth rate of 8 to 9 per cent.

India’s Ordnance Factories: A Performance Analysis

The ordnance factory organization has grown over the years and now consists of 39 factories with two more being set up. The organization, which dates back to the eighteenth century, has however not been able to rise up to the expectation of its prime customer. The paper argues that for the organization to be able function more efficiently, its management needs to be corporatised, as suggested by many, particularly the Kelkar Committee.

F-35 is not an Ideal Choice for India

F-35 is not an ideal choice because of the delay in its developmental schedule, a tight production line, prohibitive cost, India’s own efforts to jointly develop and produce a fifth generation fighter with Russia, and little technological or industrial benefits that would accrue.