Keerthi Sampath Kumar


South Sudan: A Year Old and ‘A Global Problem Child’

The Sudan of the last century was a land ridden by inter-tribal conflicts and civil wars, divided on religious lines and its politics was embroiled in a constant struggle for control over the country’s resources. Today, nothing much has changed except for the secession of South Sudan from Sudan and the discord continues across the border. After decades of civil war what is now observable is that the two Sudans are at the tipping point of an international armed conflict.

India’s Past Year at the UN Security Council

India’s overall approach at the UNSC in the past year was focused on projecting and representing the opinion of the developing world, addressing problems through regional solutions and achieving as much progress as possible through diplomacy and dialogue.

State Sovereignty to Sovereignty of Individuals: Evolution of R2P

Intervention across borders of other states with the intention of protecting the civilian population from atrocities committed against them is not a new phenomenon. According to Thomas Weiss, 1 the evolution of humanitarian intervention precedes the appearance of the current generation of international institutions. After the Second World War, the United Nations Charter under Article 2(1) stipulated that the UN be based upon the sovereign equality of all its members.