Cherian Samuel


Cherian Samuel is Research Fellow in the Strategic Technologies Centre at the Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses. He has written on various cyber security issues, including critical infrastructure protection, cyber resilience, cybercrime, and internet governance. His recent publications include:Securing Cyberspace: International and Asian Perspectives, Cherian Samuel and Munish Sharma, eds., Pentagon Press, 2016; “India’s International Cybersecurity Strategy,” in Cybersecurity: Some Critical Insights and Perspectives,Damien D. Cheong ed., S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Singapore (January 2015);“Net-Centric Defence Forces: A Macro View,”DSA Magazine, July 2014;“Cyber security and National Development,”CASS Journal, Vol. 1, No. 3, July–September 2014;“Cybersecurity and Cyberwar,”Seminar, October 2013;“Prospects for India-US Cyber Security Cooperation,”Strategic Analysis, Volume 31, Issue 2, September 2011. His monograph Global, Regional and Domestic Dynamics of Cybersecurity was published in December 2014. He was co-ordinator of the IDSA Task Force on Cyber Security, which published a report titled “India’s Cyber Security Challenges” in March 2012.

  • Associate Fellow
  • Email:cherian[dot]samuel[at]gmail[dot]com
  • Phone: +91 11 2671 7983


India-US Relations: Addressing the Challenges of the 21st Century

  • Publisher: Magnum Books

The rhetoric from two noisy democracies may make it appear that the interests of India and the United States are poles apart on many issues. However, if the outside layers comprising ideological and populist pronouncements are peeled aside, it is apparent that while there would be inevitable differences in approach, there is a convergence on core values, concerns and interests. At the same time, the hindrances and obstacles that come in the way of a working relationship cannot be simply wished away. A purposeful and forward looking dialogue is one of the necessary steps required to take the Partnership to a higher plane.

  • ISBN 81-87363-95-9,
  • Price: ? 595

Cybersecurity: Global, Regional and Domestic Dynamics

Governments find themselves struggling to deal with the issue of cybersecurity. Given the current state of play in cybersecurity, it is not surprising that any discussion sooner or later ends up as a confusing mix of viewpoints on fundamental rights, privacy, law enforcement, human rights, globalisation and national security, thus leading to a gridlock.

Leveraging Cyber Power: A Study of the Approaches and Responses of the Major Powers

The monograph looks at how major powers have tried to pursue three objectives in cyberspace, viz. (1) strengthening or enhancing national cyber defences, and (2) striving to shape the international cyber environment by leveraging economic and technological capabilities, and (3) through defining and evangelising international cyber norms. A section on the cybersecurity preparedness of the countries of the South Asian region is incorporated to highlight those vulnerabilities and deficient capacities and capabilities that give the major powers a foothold to pursue their objectives.

Militaries in Cyberspace: Approaches, Expectations and Outcomes

Militaries are the sword arm of the state, entrusted with defending the state against all threats that would harm its interests. These threats are increasingly emanating from cyberspace and militaries around the world are being called upon formally to undertake responsibility for defending against threats from this domain in addition to the existing physical domains of land, sea, air and space. The unique nature of this domain has required some restructuring on the part of the military.