Alok Deb

He worked at Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses from 2016 to 2019 .


2034: A Novel of the Next World War by Elliot Ackerman and James Stavridis

For a book published in 2021 and preceding the current Russian invasion of Ukraine, 2034: A Novel of the Next World War by Elliot Ackerman and Admiral James Stavridis is remarkably topical and prescient. It forecasts a future where great power ambition and a sense of infallibility of a superpower lure it towards utilising ‘compellence’ as a strategy towards attaining its goal of world domination, leading to predictable consequences.

Finally a CDS for the Indian Armed Forces

While the scope of responsibility of the CDS is being worked out, it would be instructive to see what changes could be implemented immediately within the current organisational structures through greater jointness, before getting into the gamut of full integration which should be the logical end state.

Kargil and its Impact on India’s National Security

With the melting of snow and improvement in weather conditions, the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) that separates India and Pakistan has traditionally been a ‘hot’ place in summers, with multiple ceasefire violations by Pakistan culminating in frequent artillery duels. Over time, and well before the era of instant news, this perception of the LoC had embedded itself in the collective consciousness of the Indian public.

Approach to Battle: Training the Indian Army during the Second World War, by Alan Jeffreys

From entering the portals of a military academy till retirement, an officer remains deeply involved with training. From the initial days as a subaltern to, later on, assuming the responsibilities of a commanding officer who has to ensure that his unit is battle ready, the involvement with training is total. Later, in senior ranks, he is expected to put his experience to work in devising more meaningful and effective ways to train the nation’s military to be ready for the next war.


Military Modernisation And Force Restructuring

Deputy Director General, IDSA, Maj Gen Alok Deb’s article on the modernisation of India’s military force, titled ‘Military Modernisation and Force Restructuring’ was published in ‘Bharat Shakti’ on March 30, 2018.

The article offers a strategic review of the major issues that impede the process of India’s force modernization.

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  • 30 March, 2018 |

War from the Ground Up: Twenty-first-century Combat as Politics, by Emile Simpson

War from the Ground Up is not easy reading. The author’s erudition, bolstered by a wealth of detail and historical context, makes this one of the more serious studies on contemporary military conflict. Emile Simpson has attempted to arrive at an overall understanding of war in its contemporary and traditional forms by drawing on his experience of three tours as an infantry officer with the Royal Gurkha Rifles in Afghanistan.

India–Israel Defence Engagement: Land Forces’ Cooperation

The Israeli military has been tested through the entire range of conflict from the conventional to the asymmetric since its inception in May 1948 to the present day. In the process, it has become one of the most powerful military forces in West Asia, with a reputation to match. Not many are aware that Indian Jews, notably the Bene Israelis, have served with distinction under Indian chieftains as well as the East India Company a few hundred years ago.