Towards A New Asian Order

Publisher: Shipra Publications
ISBN 978-81-7541-615-4
Price: ?. 695/- Purchase

About the Book

The volume contains contributions by leading Asian analysts and Asia watchers on the theme of prospects for Asian integration. It discusses regionalism at the continental level and investigates overarching trends. It focuses on Asia’s ‘rise’ and the key factors shaping the Asian regional order. The volume also provides valuable perspectives on Asia’s sub-regions. Another salient feature of this volume is its coverage of increasingly significant non-traditional issues in the Asian context.

About the Author

Ali Ahmed is Research Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi.

Dr Jagannath P. Panda is Research Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi.

Dr Prashant K. Singh is Associate Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi.


A New Asian Order for the Asian Century
—-A.K. Antony

Introduction: Super Asia

Section One In Theory

1. Patterns of Conflict and Stability in the Asian Region from a Long-term Perspective
—-William R. Thompson

2. A Necessary Ghost Hunt? West European Integration in East Asian Regionalism Studies
—-Zhang Zhenjiang

3. Globalisation and the Rise of Asia: Regional Cooperation to Sustain Economic Stability in Asia
—-Niklas Swanström

Section Two Rising China

4. The Rise of China, the Rise of India, and the Changing Geopolitics of Asia: Contending Perspectives on India-China Relations
—-Vincent Wei-cheng Wang

5. The United States, the Rise of China, and US-Indian Relations
—-Robert J. Art

6. Challenges of Rising China: A New Cold War or Neo- Imperialism?
—-Masako Ikegami

7. Realist and Pragmatic Elements in China’s Grand Strategy: Assessment of China’s Relations with Japan, Taiwan and India
—-Mumin Chen

Section Three Regional Snapshots

8. Russia and Geopolitics of East Asia
—-Alexander Lukin

9. Iranian-American Relations and the Future Security Architecture in Western Asia
—-Arshin Adib-Moghaddam

10. Security for Western Asia: Building a Cooperation Framework among Turkey, Iran and the Arabs
—-Paul Salem

11. The East Asia Summit and the Regional Security Architecture
—-Joseph Chinyong Liow

Section Four Widening the Security Ambit

12. Technology, Security and State Development in East Asia and India
—-Tai Ming Cheung

13. Energy Security and Asian Regional Architecture
—-Xia Liping

14. Towards an Architecture of a Global Disasters Management Regime: A Road Map
—-Yaacov Y.I. Vertzberger

15. The Geopolitics of Himalayan-Tibetan Glacier Melt
—-Syed Iqbal Hasnain

16. Himalayan Hydrology and Hydropolitics
—-Uttam Kumar Sinha

Section Five ClOSER HOME

17. US Policy towards South Asia
—-Sumit Ganguly

18. Indo-Pak Relations and the Balance of Emotions
—-Prakash Menon

19. How is India Managing its Asian Challenge?
—-Arvind Gupta

An Indian View on a Changing Asia
—-Shivshankar Menon



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