Rahul Mishra

He worked at Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses from 2009 to 2013


Australia’s Defence White Paper 2013: Seeking a Fine Balance

On 3 May 2013, Australia’s former Prime Minister Julia Gillard released the Defence White Paper (DWP) 2013, making it the sixth White Paper on defence in the history of Australia, and the third since 2000. The last Defence White Paper, entitled Defending Australia in the Asia Pacific Century: Force 2030, was released in 2009 when Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was serving his first term.

India’s Maritime Diplomacy in Southeast Asia: An Assessment of the INS Sudarshini Expedition

INS Sudarshini, India’s Sail Training Ship (STS), was sent on a commemorative expedition to the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) member countries for six months along the monsoon trade winds route to trace India’s civilisational and cultural affinities and rejuvenate trade and maritime linkages with its neighbours in the East. The voyage was part of the commemoration of the successful completion of two decades of India’s Look East Policy, 20 years of dialogue relations with ASEAN, and 10 years of India–ASEAN summit-level partnership.

Australia-China Strategic Partnership

Timely as it was, the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s five-day China visit may be considered a success on all fronts. Leading the ‘strongest Australian delegation ever’ to China, Gillard pledged to give the relationship a ‘concrete shape’, which in Chinese Premier Li Kequing’s words, is already ‘comprehensive, constructive and cooperative’. This issue brief analyses Julia Gillard’s China visit in the context of rising Australia-China bonhomie.

India–Australia Strategic Relations: Moving to the Next Level

This commentary attempts to put into perspective the recent developments in India–Australia bilateral ties. It argues that economic incentives and strategic calculations have compelled Australia to get closer to India. Australia's decision to supply yellowcake to India, expanding bilateral naval cooperation and Australian Defence Minister Stephen Smith's December 2011 visit should be seen in that context. Australia has realised that it does not make sense to lag behind when countries across the world are jockeying to benefit from India's rise.

Myanmar and the United States: On a Reconciliatory Path?

The current trajectory of developments is likely to lead to the point where the US and the Sein government find ways to resolve outstanding points of contention between them, leading to Myanmar moving further along the path of greater political freedom, better human rights and good governance.